If you own a local business, then we may be interested in making flyers for you at NO cost. Whats the catch? We will print one side with your information and custom design it to your liking. The other side will have our 951 Designs information and it will be agreed that you will handle the distribution.
We have done this FREE flyer service with local restaurants that have distributed the flyers to there customers. Please contact us by email or phone if you are interested. This service does not work for every business, so please let us know the location of your business, type of business and how you plan to distribute them.
[email protected]
We have done this FREE flyer service with local restaurants that have distributed the flyers to there customers. Please contact us by email or phone if you are interested. This service does not work for every business, so please let us know the location of your business, type of business and how you plan to distribute them.
[email protected]